Hear complaint stories

Hear more about how our office works with people to strive for positive change in the regulation of Australia's health professions


Make a complaint

  • Gertrude's story
    A woman surveys her phone leaning against a corner in a breezy kitchen

    Gertrude's story

    Gertrude made a notification to Ahpra about the care provided by a practitioner to her late family member. The relevant Board considered Gertrude’s concerns and decided to take regulatory action against the practitioner.

  • John's story
    A man presses fingers to his head in frustration

    John's story

    John contacted our office to make a complaint about Ahpra and the relevant Board’s handling of a notification that was made about him. John raised several concerns, including that the Board did not consider all available documentation relevant to the allegations raised in the notification.

  • Sadia's story
    Woman with a hijab and headphones examines her computer screen

    Sadia's story

    Sadia made a complaint to our office that the English language skills registration standard is unfair and discriminatory.

Our complaint stories and case studies provide a snapshot of the types of complaints and enquiries our office receives. We’ve found this can help people better understand what we do and the different types of outcomes we achieve.

To maintain confidentiality when we share stories on our website and in our publications, we do not use real names and remove any information that could identify someone. We may sometimes include information such as a person’s profession or cultural background if it is needed for the matter to be understood. Given Ahpra and the Boards are identifiable in our case studies, we request Ahpra review the facts of each story prior to publication. All images we use are illustrative only and do not picture anyone involved in the matter.

We are committed to protecting personal information collected or held by our office. Our privacy and confidentiality page provides more information about how we use and share person information. Please contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Privacy and confidentiality

  • Rosa's story
    A woman with short hair stares out into the distance

    Rosa's story

    Rosa made a complaint to our office about Ahpra and the relevant Board’s handling of a notification she made about a health practitioner in their role as an expert witness.

  • Bill's story
    We see over the shoulder of a man onto his hand on his computer keyboard

    Bill's story

    We received a complaint from a practitioner, Bill, who had been experiencing difficulties while undertaking a training program to get an endorsement.

  • Deena's story
    Woman drinks from white mug

    Deena's story

    Deena contacted our office regarding a notification she had made about a specialist medical practitioner who operated on her relative.

  • Stevie's story
    Woman on the phone in a white shirt smiles at her laptop

    Stevie's story

    Stevie made a complaint to our office about Ahpra’s handling of her registration renewal. Stevie explained that her registration had been suspended early in the year.

  • Darcy's story
    A man with curly hair smiles slightly at a red mobile phone in his hand

    Darcy's story

    Darcy contacted our office to make a complaint about Ahpra’s handling of their FOI request. Darcy was seeking access to documents in relation to a notification they made about a practitioner.

  • Anand's story
    Man sits on couch looking pensively to the side in front of his closed laptop

    Anand's story

    A practitioner, Anand, made a complaint to us about information Ahpra published about him on the national register of practitioners (the public register). Anand expressed concerns that Ahpra published a link to a tribunal decision that included the conditions a tribunal had imposed on Anand’s registration.

  • Charlotte's story
    Young woman stands in a park reading from a notebook

    Charlotte's story

    Charlotte made a complaint to our office about Ahpra’s handling of concerns she had sought to raise about a health practitioner.

  • Francis's Story
    Man sits back with arms behind his head staring at screen

    Francis's Story

    Francis made a complaint to our office about Ahpra’s assessment of his registration application.

  • Ella's story
    Woman with brown hair looks into the camera

    Ella's story

    Ella made a complaint to Ahpra about how it had handled her concerns regarding a practitioner. Ella contacted our office because she remained dissatisfied after receiving Ahpra’s response.

  • Jorge's story
    A man stares in concentration at a computer screen wearing a white lapcoat

    Jorge's story

    Jorge, a practitioner, contacted our office about Ahpra’s investigation of a notification about him. Jorge said that Ahpra had emailed his workplace’s general email address seeking clinical records related to its investigation.

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