Make a complaint

We offer a free and independent complaint handling service

Call us on 1300 795 265

How to make a complaint

  1. Step 1
    Make sure you’re in the right place

    Find out whether we're the best place to contact about your concern. 

  2. Step 2
    Make a complaint to the organisation if you can
  3. Step 3
    Make a complaint to us

    Make a complaint online or download and complete our complaint form.

Step 1

Make sure you’re in the right place

It can be difficult to know which organisation to contact about a health-related complaint.

Our office assists with complaints about how the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), a National Board, an accreditation authority or a specialist medical college, have handled a matter. 

We deal with complaints made to the Ombudsman and privacy complaints made to the Commissioner.

Applying for a review of Ahpra's FOI decision is different.

Apply for FOI review

Learn more about other health complaints

Step 2

Make a complaint to the organisation if you can

Please make a formal complaint to Ahpra or the relevant accreditation organisation before contacting our office if possible. You can call Ahpra on 1300 419 495 or make a complaint via Ahpra's website. Find contact details for an accreditation authority or specialist medical college.

This step gives the organisation the opportunity to address your concerns before we become involved.

If the organisation does not provide a timely response or if you are unhappy with the response, you can make a complaint to us.

Step 3

Make a complaint to us

Our professional and empathetic staff are ready to listen to your concerns. You can contact us by phone, email or post.

You may want to consider the following questions when preparing to lodge your complaint:

  • Why am I making a complaint?
  • What do I want as a result of making this complaint?
  • What information can I provide to support my complaint?

Don’t forget to include a completed complaint form if you can. This will help us to process your complaint quicker.


Call us on 1300 795 265.


Fill out our online complaint form.

Please make sure to:

  • read and complete all questions that you can
  • have all the information you would like to attach to your complaint ready as you cannot save and return to the form
  • email us with any additional information or if a file is too big to attach to the form.

Submit a complaint online.


Email us at:


Download a complaint form and send it to:

National Health Practitioner Ombudsman
GPO Box 2630
Melbourne VIC 3001

Need help to make a complaint? 

Please feel free to contact us using:

  • the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450
  • the National Relay Service. For TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 1300 795 265. For Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 795 265. For Internet Relay users connect to the National Relay Service then ask for 1300 795 265.

If you need other support to make a complaint, please let us know and we will do our best to help.

Making a confidential or anonymous complaint 

Our office accepts complaints from people who do not want to share some of their personal information (such as their name) with our office, or with other relevant organisations (such as Ahpra, a National Board, an accreditation authority or a specialist medical college).

When deciding whether to lodge a confidential or anonymous complaint, it is important to know that it can be difficult (and sometimes impossible) for our office to deal with or investigate complaints that are anonymous or confidential. This is because we may not be able to gather relevant information about the specific concerns.

Find out more about how to make a confidential or anonymous complaint

Feedback and review of our decisions

We welcome feedback about our services to help us understand what we are doing right and how we can improve. Find out more about how to provide feedback or request a review of a decision we made.

Feedback about our services

Review of our decisions


Find out more

  • How we can help

    How we can help

    Our office accepts complaints to the Ombudsman, complaints to the Commissioner and applications for a review of an FOI decision.

  • Ombudsman complaints

    Ombudsman complaints

    The Ombudsman can assist with complaints about how Ahpra and the National Boards have handled notification or registration matters, personal information and FOI requests. We also can also assist with concerns about accreditation authorities and specialist medical colleges.

  • Commissioner complaints

    Commissioner complaints

    The Commissioner can assist with complaints about how Ahpra, the National Boards or accreditation authorities and specialist medical colleges, have collected, used or disclosed personal information.

  • What to expect

    What to expect

    Find out what to expect when you lodge a complaint with our office.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call on 1300 795 265